
初中英语说课稿:《How much are these pants?》

  以下是关于教师招聘面试初中英语说课稿:《How much are these pants?》,仅供参考!

  Hello! My name is Rao Shengliang. I’m from Dengfang Middle School. Today I’m very pleased to have an opportunity to talk about some of my teaching ideas. The topic of this unit is “How much are these pants?” students learn to ask about prices, talk about clothing, and thank someone. 资料来源:

  First , I will talk about my understanding of this unit. This Unit is talking about shopping. Many students are interested in shopping, but they knowlittle about shopping. This lesson is the first period of Unit 7, It’s very important.

  Teaching aims:

  1. Knowledge aims: the vocabularies of the clothes, describe clothes, using how much to ask and talk about the prices of the clothes.

  2. Ability aims: training the abil
