
牛津英语1A Unit 1 my Classroom(第3课时)

教学目标:1. to make the students use nouns to identify common classroom objects
2. to make the students pronounce properly
教学过程教学重点:to learn the words: pen pencil book bag ruler rubber
教学难点:to make the students connect the words with the objects
教学准备:objects  word pictures  cards  cassette player
step 1: warming up
t: class begins
s: stand up, please.
t: good morning.
s: good morning.
t: sit down, please.
t: first, let's listen to a song.
(let them listen to the song quietly)
t: now, let's do. i say and you do.
(practise four sentences in let's act)
step 2: presentation
t: look! what's this?
t: it's a box. guess, what's in it?
t: pencil
(read after the teacher)
t: who can read?
(give compliments when they read well)
(teach "rubber, book" in the same way)
t: open your book, turn to page 4 阅读全文
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