
1B Unit 3 Colours period 3

1. 词汇:and
2. 句型:1)what colour is it? it is…
1.asking “wh” questions to find out the colours of objects:
eg: what colour is it?
2. using adjectives to identify colours e.g. it is red.
1. asking “wh” questions to find out the colours of objects:
eg: what colour is it?
pre-task preparation
1. t: it’s a fine day. now we are in the park. what do you see in the park?
p: i see kites/ a dog/ apples…
t: i see apples. apple red. i see bananas. banana yellow.
  please say: apple red   banana yellow  
p: kite blue,  sky blue ,  sun red,  leaf green
t: look at the tree. the leaves are green. the trunk is brown.
  so the tree is green and brown.
while-task procedure
1. (lead in): …and…  1) read the phrase
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