
英语牛津教材1B-Unit1教案 The Third Period Let’s learn

一、教学目标:1.知识目标:会用uncle, aunt, grandmother, grandfather 称呼人。2.能力目标:培养正确、快速模仿能力。3.情感目标:教育学生尊敬长辈。二、教学重点:4个人称的正确发音。教学难点:单词词形的识记。三、教具准备:cassette 1b and cassette player, wallchart, word cards四、教学过程:step 1 warming uprhyme: my father is comingstep 2 pre-task preparation1.       make quick responses: show me your present.                           try your new shoes.2.       greet individuals “how are you?” “happy new year.” get students to give responses.step 3 while-task procedure     1.put up the wallchart for page 3 again. ask “who is this?” point to each of the four relatives. say the words i 阅读全文
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