
牛津小学英语1A Unit 3 This is my mum

1.能听懂、会说、会认单词:dad, mum, family, my.
2.能听懂、会说、会认句子:this is my….
3.会唱歌曲:the finger family.
1.能听懂、会说、会认单词:dad(daddy), mum(mummy), family, my
2.能听懂、会说、会认句子:this is….
教学难点:掌握this is 的发音,my 的意思。
教具准备:实物投影,cai,  finger family members.
学具准备:学生带一张家庭照并且做一个helen 的头饰。finger family members.
step1: warm –up
1.greetings: good morning .
2.sing a song: good morning to you.
3.(hold up a card of  helen and point to her)look, this is helen. (put the card on the head)hello, i’m helen. how are you?(greet with some student.)
step 2: presentation
1.who wants to be helen?  choose one to put on the card..let’s say hello to helen.
2.helen is our new friend. she know nothing about you.i will introduce you to her.
3.t points to a student and says: helen, this is. say the name of the student. he 阅读全文
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