
1B Unit 2 My Gift(2)

lesson plan (2)procedurescontentsmethodspurpose   pre-task preparation1. group activityline up!attention.at ease. 2. rhyme: stopred, red, red, the light is red.stop, stop, stop,don’t cross the road.1. the leader of each group gives the commands. others perform the actions. 2. students read the  rhyme in chorus and perform the actions.1.培养小组长发指令,让组内成员整队。 2.全班集体朗读儿歌,注意语音、语调和节奏,并做动作表演。taskproceduretask 1: revisionwhat’s this?this is a doll/car/jet yo-yo etc.task2: lead inis this your…?yes, it is. it’s my …no, it’s not my…task3: what’s this?it’s an apple/orange/eggtask 4: is this a new … or an old…?it’s an old…it’s a new…1. teacher asks a question,the students answer it with “this is a…”2. teacher shows the student’s stationary and asks: is this your…? have the s 阅读全文
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