
1 A Unit 7 Follow me(The First Period)

1、teaching content
part a learn to say
part b look and learn
2、teaching aims and demands
a、knowledge objects
words:a mouth、a nose、 an ear、 an eye
drills:touch your nose.touch your eye.
b、ability objects
(1)can understand the words and drills
(2)can say the words of facial features
(3)can follow the words
c、moral objects
take care of their facial features
3、teaching stress
(1)the pronunciation of the 3 skills words
(2)the meaning of the words
(3)the understanding of the drills
4、teaching difficulties
(1)the pronunciation of “mouth”、“nose”
(2)understand the words “touch” and can do the actions according to the orders
5、teaching aids
word-cards、 television、computer、pictures
6、teaching steps
step 1 warming up
1、t: good morning, class.
ss: good morning, miss wu.
t: what’s this?
sa: it’s a pencil.
t: what’s this?
sb: it’s 阅读全文
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