
1B Unit1 Period6教案

teaching aids: picture cards, word cards, cassette, recorder, colour pencils, rubber, paper.  procedurecontentmethodpurposepre-task
preparation1. warming-upsing a song: read, read, i can read.通过歌曲复习句型i can…2. listen and actask pupils to listen to the commands and do actions.t: show me your book/pencil/…raise your hand.draw/sing/dance/write…通过活动集中学生的注意力,同时复习已学的知识。3. ask and answerhow are you?how old are you?what can you do? (i can dance/write/…)t: happy new year.p: happy new year.通过对话让学生适应英语氛围,同时操练句型。while-task
procedure:1. introductionshow a new year card.t: what is it?p: it’s a card.t: a new year card. do you like it? let’s make a card.通过展示实物来激发学生的学习兴趣。2. make a new year cardt: what do we need to make a card? (card, pencil, rubber, colour pencils)通过介绍所用材料,来复习以前学的旧知识。3. steps of making 阅读全文
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