
Unit5 My new room

Part 1: Teaching aims and demands

Knowledge aims

a. to enable the Ss to understand and speak “ Where is …….?” “ It’s in/ on/ under……”

b. to help Ss to learn new prep.

c. Let Ss finish the list

Ability aims

a. to develop Ss’ abilities of listening and speaking

b. to foster Ss’ abilities of communication and their innovation

c. to train Ss’ abilities of working in groups

Moral aims

a. to foster Ss’ consciousness of good co-operation and proper competition

b. to lead Ss to show their loveliness to animals

Part 2: Teaching key points

a. to help Ss to ask and answer “ Where is ……?” “It’s in / under……”

b. to enable Ss to study in co-operate skillfully.

c. Learn new words

Part 3: Teaching methods

a. Communicative Approach in Presentation

b. Task-based Learning Approach in Consolidation.


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