
英语 - Unit 5 Fruit

Language focus:

Using nouns to identify objects e.g.apple,pear.

Asking yes/no questions to obtain simple responses e.g.Is this an apple?

Using formulaic expressions to confirm or deny e.g.Yes,it is. /No, it is not!

Language skills:

Listening: Identify key words in an utterance by recognizing stress.

Speaking: Pronounce words properly

Use modelled phrases to open and maintain an interaction by providing information in response to factual questions

Use modelled phrases to communicate with other learners.

Materials: Student’s Book 1A

Cassette player

Workbook 1A

Word and picture cards

Pre-task preparation:

Greeting and Warm up: Hello! How are you? Nice to meet you!

Listen and do

Sing an apple song

Draw an apple on the Bb, then ask ‘What’s this?’ Show the word card and stick it onto the cor

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