
Unit 2 In the circus 教案

teaching aids: word cards, computer, picture of circus, animals masksprocedurecontentmethodpurposepre-taskpreparationwarming-upsong: old mcdonaldteacher asks questions: what can you see in old mcdonalds farm?唱一首学生熟悉的英语歌,然后问些问题,引入了本课话题。ask and answerask pupils some questions: can you tell me what animal you like best? (show animals on the screen and encourage pupils to talk about them.)what can they do?where are they from?where can you see the animals?(in the farm. in the zoo. in the forest. in the circus.)老师提问题,通过多媒体课件,单词和图搭配练习,鼓励学生就其内容进行个性化回答,帮助学生学习,扩展与本话题相关的词汇。while-taskprocedure1. look and answer show pupils the picture of a circust: look, what is it? is it a zoo? is it a park? is it a farm? is it a forest? is it a circus?have you ever been to the circus?what can you see in the circus? 阅读全文
英语教案-unit 3 shopping