
Unit 6 Period 1 In a nature park

一.teaching contents
    let’s learn   let’s find out
二.teaching aims
  1. enable ss to master the four-skilled words: flower, grass, river, lake, forest and path.
  2. enable to read and say the words: sky, cloud, mountain as well as the sentences: there is a forest in the nature park.
  3. enable ss to tell the differences among the pictures.
三.important and difficult points
  1. ss master the words and sentences
  2. ss write the four skilled words.
  3.pay attention to the pronunciation of the words: flower, mountain, cloud and path.
四. teaching aids
  tape and record
  some cards, some pictures of hua shan and tai shan.
五. teaching steps
 1. warm up
   1) greeting:
     good morning, boys an 阅读全文
pep小学英语第六册 第三单元 第一课时
牛津5A M1 Unit 2 This is what I want教案