
A teaching plan for Unit 3,Module10

一、teaching materials: unit 3 language in use (module 10 life history) 二、targets for this period: to summarize and consolidate past simple questions and negative sentences and the new vocabulary 三、key points: key vocabulary— in, a lotkey structures—did you do…?  yes, i did. / no, i didn’t. we didn’t do …. 四、teaching methods: task-based approach, formal and interactive approach 五、teaching aids    blackboard, handouts 六、teaching arrangements: step one  to translate the sentences into english 1.       当你是个小男孩时,你骑自行车去上学吗?did you ride a bike to school when you were a boy?2.       他是世界上最出名的作家之一。 he is one of the most famous writers in the world. 3.       七、八月份,我和哥哥拜访了住在海边的阿姨。 in jul 阅读全文
Unit 1 Making friends
Lesson 4 Meeting my family
Unit 2 Our animal friends