
Vocabulary of Unit 4 (period 4 )

vocabulary of unit 4 (period 4 )
teaching content: vocabulary of unit 4 ( f w e 7a
teaching aims: 1. to recognize names of different foods
2. to use adjectives to describe different tastes
teaching difficulty: spelling of the names of the foods
teaching importance: to recognize the names of the different foods
teaching tools: foods, pictures, a piece of cloth, papers
teaching procedure:
i. greetings and giving the aims of this lesson.
t: hello, boys and girls. today we are going to recognize different food and their tastes.
ii. pre-task activity
1. t: boys and girls, look at my desk. i bring some kinds of food here today. let’s see who has the best memory. i’ll give you two minutes to look through the food. then, i’ll cover the food. who says the most names of the food, who’ll be the winner. a

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Lesson 4 Meeting my family
Unit 2 Our animal friends