
Unit 6 It’s raining!

unit 6 it’s raining!
一. 教学内容:
unit 6 it’s raining!
二. 语言功能:
describe the weather; describe what you are doing
三. 目标语言:
  1. how is the weather?      it’s raining/windy/cloudy/sunny/snowing.
  2. what are you doing?      i’m watching tv.
  3. what are they doing?     they are studying.
  4. what is she/he doing?     she/he is playing basketball.
  5. how’s it going?          great./ not bad./terrible./ pretty good.
四. 重点单词和词组:
1. weather 天气   不可数名词 可用形容词bad, fine来修饰
the weather is good(fine)today.
练一练 _______ good weather today!
a. what a    b. what   

Unit 1 Making friends
Lesson 4 Meeting my family
Unit 2 Our animal friends