
Unit 6 Pets 导学案

unit 6 pets 导学案
1.hold: held—held;  hold a la dder; hold a sports meeting; hold one’s breath
2.feed: fed—fed (give food to ) feed sb. sth.
3.catch: caught—caught; catch a ball; catch the early bus; catch up wi th sb.
4.bark: vi. make a sharp  harsh sound ; bark at sb.
5.bite: v. cut into sth. with the teeth;  does a dog bite?
6.fight: v/ n. fought—fought
he is fighting  with his friend, he is impolite.
action films always have ex citing events with fights in them.
7.end: n. / v. at the end of / by the end of / near the end of/ in t he end/ come to the end / the meeting ended at ten last night.
8.trouble: n/v. what’s your trouble?=what’s the trouble with you ?
        in /out of trouble / give s b. trouble/ make trouble for sb./ get into

Unit 1 Making friends
Lesson 4 Meeting my family
Unit 2 Our animal friends