
Unit 2 My day

初三英语组复习学案(7a unit2)
unit 2 my day
1. wake sb. up 唤醒某人        2. do morning exercises 做早操
3. have fun (doing) = have a good time (doing) =enjoy oneself  做某事很高兴
4. spend time / money (in) doing / on sth. 花 时间/金钱 做某事
5. practise doing 练习做某事       6. go to sleep  去睡觉   7. keep a diary 写日记      
8. different kinds of …. 不同种类的….  9. send sb. sth = send sth to sb.  送..给某人         
10. have lessons 上课     11. best friend 好朋友
12. use sth to do = do sth with……使用某物做某事    13. once / twice a week (how often)     每周一次/两次    14. be nice / friendly / kind to sb. 对某

Unit 1 Making friends
Lesson 4 Meeting my family
Unit 2 Our animal friends