
Chapter 5 Some days; Never a dull moment

chapter 5 some days; never a dull moment
part a language
i. words and expressions
1. interesting  adj. 有趣的  uninteresting  adj. 无聊的
some girls think it is very interesting to chat with friends by phone; but some boys find it uninteresting. 有些女孩子认为电话中聊天是很有趣的;但男孩子认为这很无聊。
2. activity  n. 活动  active  adj. 积极的
he is very busy. he takes an active part in all kinds of activities at school. 他很忙,他积极参加学校的各项活动。
3. speaker   n. 演讲者 speak  v. 发言    speech  n. 演说
don’t speak any longer. the speaker is giving us a wonderful speech. 别再讲话了,演讲者正在给我们做一个精彩的报告。
4. terrible  adj. 可怕的   terribly  adv. 非常,极度地
i am terribly sorry about the terrible mistake i made in the letter. 有关信件上的错误我感到很抱歉。
5. lively  adj. 活泼的,充满生气的   alive  a

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