
Module 10 My perfect holiday

unit 3 language in use 42. take off 起飞      land 着陆43. go on holiday 度假44. somewhere cool 某个凉爽的地方45. surprising  adj. 令人惊讶的 (指物或事) e.g. the news is surprising. 这个消息是令人惊讶的.surprised  adj. 惊讶的 (指人) e.g. i am surprised at the news. 我对这个消息很惊讶.46. melt  v.  融化47. rebuild  v.  重建48. be made of… 由…制成的e.g. the desk is made of wood. 这张课桌由木头制成的.49. visitors to the hotels 这些旅馆的参观者50. manage  v.  1) 设法做到  succeed in dealing with (a problem)manage sth./to do/not to doe.g. i’m able to manage the job. 我能够应付这项工作.   do you think we will manage to finish the work by friday?   你认为我们能星期五完成工作吗?   in spite of the insults, he managed not to get angry.   尽管这些侮辱, 他还是设法不让自己生气.2) 操作, 运转 operate, r 阅读全文
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