
Module 9 Heroes

unit 2 there were few doctors,so he had to work very hard.22. join the army 参军23. give one’s life to sth/doing sth. 献身于…e.g. a lot of heroes gave their lives to their country. 很多英雄把生命献给了祖国.   he gave his life to saving the rare wild animals. 他献身于挽救珍稀野生动物.同义词组:  devote one’s life to sth/doing sth.或 be devoted to sth/doing sth.e.g. he has devoted his life to helping the blind. 他献身于帮助盲人.   he is devoted to football. 他献身于足球.24. canada 加拿大   canadian加拿大人 n., 加拿大的adj.e.g. he is from canada.   =  he is canadian.  (注意这里没有冠词a/an )又如:  he is american/chinese/japanese.25. medical  adj. 医疗的  invent new medical tool发明新的医疗器械 medicine  n. 药   take medicine 吃药26. treat  v. 治疗     treatment&n 阅读全文
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