

八上 unit 3
1.babysit her sister =look after =take care of 照顾她的妹妹
2.spen d time with friend   和朋友度过时光
3.go camping/ hiking /sightseeing/ fishing/shopping 去宿营/徒步旅行/观光/钓鱼/逛
4.go bike riding 骑车观光  
5.go away for too long   离开很久
6.sleep a lot 睡大觉       
7.go to tibet for a week   去西藏一周
8.visit my friend in hong kong 拜访我在香港的朋友  
9.how long 多久
10.relax at home  在家放松
11.send me a postcard from hong kong   从香港寄给我一张明信片
12.show me your photos =show your photos to me 给我看你的照片
13.get back t o school =return to school 回到学校
14.rent videos  租录像
15.ask you a few questions about your vacation plans 问你几个关于假期计划的问题
16.ask you about pla ces to visit in china  问你有关去中国参观的地方[来源:学科网]
17.plan to have a very rela

Unit 1 How often do you exercise ?第三课时教案
Unit 3 Online travel 【Reading(I)】 学案
牛津英语8B Unit5 Check out学案及教案