
Unit 3 What were you doing when the UFO arrived?

unit 3 what were you doing when the ufo arrived? 

i.language goals
ii.key words
1.cut v.切;剪;割
   be careful.don't cut yourself.小心,别切到自己。
2.alien n.外星人
   nobody knows whether there are aliens or not.没人知道到底有没有外星人。
3.land v.登岸;登陆;降落
   the plane will land in ten minutes.飞机将在十分钟后降落。
4.while conj.当……的时候;在……之时
   while i danced, she sang.我跳舞,她唱歌。
5.right adv.正好;恰好
   the accident happened right over there.事故正好发生在那里。
6.surprised adj.惊奇的;吃惊的
   i was surprised that he was late for the party.我很惊讶他聚会居然迟到了。
7.kid v.欺骗;哄骗
   i'm not kidding you.我没有骗你。
8.anywhere adv.到处;无论哪里(用于否定句中)
   did you go anywhere yesterday? 你昨天去没去过什么地方?
9.happen v.发生
   a funny thin

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