
9B Unit 3 学案

9b unit 3 学案
9b unit 3   vocabulary
1. 学习一些亚洲国家的名称和国旗。
2. 识别并了解与地理有光的词汇。
1. 回忆已经学过的与地理有关的词汇,并列举出。
2. 补充一些著名景点的单词,增加学生的词汇量。
一、 语言知识
1. 四会内容
词汇: ocean
2. 独立完成课本vocabulary部分练习,全班交流答案。
二、 要点点拨
have been to, heve been in, have gone to的辨析
have been to指“去过”,说话人不一定在说话提到的地方,而是以前去的; heve been in指“在某地待了一段时间;” have gone to指“去了”,现在在说话人提到的地方或在途中。
三、 课堂检测
1. there are many strange things in the _____________ (地下的)
2. my sister is better at ___________ (设计)clothes than i am.
3. students in school ____________ (聚集)on the playgroud on monday morning.
4. christmas is important in ____________(西方的)countries.
5. there is too much ____________ (家具)in the room.
6. the ___________(瀑布)are very beautiful.
7. which is the _____________ (国家的)flag

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