
高一英语Unit 4 Cyberspace导学案

高一英语unit 4  cyberspace导学案
lesson 4 virtual tourism
tips: the landscape belongs to the man who looks at it .
learnint aims:1) to master some important words and phrases.
              2) to learn some important sentences.
learning importang and difficult points:must the following words : retire; apply; apply for; depend on; congratulation; on time
learning process:
stepⅰfinish the words (a)
1. the serious earthquake caused the total _________(毁灭) of a new town.
2. a few minutes later, the old man ___________(消失) in the crowds.
3. he o______ me 300 dollars for that television.
4. you are informed (通知)      (正式) that you have

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