
Unit1 Great Scientists-Grammar 学案

过去分词作定语和表语-- look at the excited boy! why     is he so happy?-- he has got the first prize in     the contest.-- no wonder he is excited!一、过去分词作定语1. 前置定语被动意义:an respected guest  一位受尊敬的客人how many finished products have you got up to now?=how many products that have been finished have you got up to now?到现在为止,你已经得到多少成品?完成意义:a retired worker 一位退休的工人the children are cleaning the fallen leaves in the yard.=the children are cleaning the leaves that have fallen in the yard.孩子们正在打扫院子里的落叶。总结:________的过去分词作定语,通常放在被修饰的名词之______, 作前置定语。表示________和________的意义。2.后置定语things seen are better than things heard.=things which are seen are better than things which are heard.眼见最好。this will be the best novel of its kind ever written.=this will be the best novel of its kind that

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