
Unit 5 Nelson Mandela第三课时

learning about language

discovering useful words and expressions




discovering useful structures


the mines where i got a job were 9km from my home.

the reason why i got a job was because of my hard work.

the time when i joined the anc youth league was late at night.

the government building where we voted was very grand.

the date when i arrived was the 5th august.

五句中关系副词 where, why, when 都可以用介词加关系代词来替换,如

the mines in which i got a job were 9km from my home.

the reason for which i got a job was because of my hard work.

the time at which i joined the anc youth league was late at night.

the government building in which we voted was very grand.

the date on which i ar

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