

unit 12
1. beyond belief 难以置信 have belief in 相信/ 信仰… believe in 信任/ 信仰/ 相信…的存在
make believe 假装
2. make a living = earn a living 谋生
3. apply for 申请 apply oneself to = devote oneself to 致力于 apply one's mind to 专心于
4. lay the foundation of… 奠定…的基础 lay aside 储蓄/ 保存 lay down 放下/ 躺下/ 制定
lay in 储存 lay off 解雇 lay out 展示/ 设计
★lay—laid—laid—laying 产…/放置 ★lie—lay—lain—lying 躺下/ 位于 ★lie—lied—lied—lying说谎
5. set out= set off 出发/ 上路
6. come into collision with 与…相撞/ 冲突 in collision 在冲突中
7. be on board 在甲板/ 飞机上 go aboard = be aboard (ship / plane)上船/ 登机
go abroad 出国 study abroad 留学
8. put sb in prison = send sb to prison送某人入监狱 hold / keep sb prisoner 囚禁某人
take sb prisoner 俘虏某人
9. six pieces of luggage 六件行李 come true = come into reality成为现实
10. in public 公开地 / 公然 in private =privately 
11. throw lig

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