
Unit 4 Astronomy: the science of the stars导学案

高一英语必修三导学案unit 4  astronomy: the science of the stars班级        姓名           小组         语言要点(模块) ⅰ.词语辨析 (旨在提供完形填空所需材料)1. loudly / loud / aloud【解释】       loudly  adv 响亮地,高声地 loud  adj/adv 与sing, speak, talk连用 aloud  adv 相对默读而言;出声【练习】根据句子的意思在括号里填入适当的词。1). will you please speak ______? 2). it is good for you to read english ______ every morning. 3). the bomb exploded ______. 4). is her voice ______ enough ? 5). action speaks ______ than words (事实胜于雄辩). keys: 1). louder    2). aloud    3). loudly    4). loud     5). louder2. unlike / dislike【解释】 unlike prep. 阅读全文
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