

period3 language points in reading
★learning aims and demands:
  master the key points in the reading.
★the key points in the reading.
i.words and expressions:
1. 1. make a bet意为“打赌”。表示“就……打赌”用make a bet on…;表示“同……打赌”用make a bet with…。如:
have you ever made a bet with a friend?  (p17)
we made a bet on the football match between class two and class three.
bet还可以作不及物动词,表示“打赌”。在口语中i bet… = i am certain…我肯定。如:
mr smith spent most of his money betting on horses.
i bet he will win the first prize in the english competition.
2. scene n.
   eg: we missed the first few scenes of the film.. 镜头,场景
      he added a new scene at the beginning. (戏剧)一场
      the night scene in shanghai is quite beautiful. 景色,风景
      it’s a h 阅读全文
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