
Traffic Jam

module 2   traffic jam
learning paper   4  exercise
i. words
1. have you ever been s________ in a traffic jam?
2. public transport p________ a cheap way to get around in beijing.
3. in a m_______ you always get a seat even in rush hours.
4. it’s the first time the painting has been d________ in public.
5. his collection of paintings is most i__________.
6. we must arrange a c___________ time and place for the meeting.
7. this dictionary is ____________(值得) buying.
8. trolleybus is ____________(与……相连) electric wires.
9. tokyo was our final ________________(目的地)
10. you can’t enter a military base without a ____________(通行证) 
ii. the best choice
1. mary, ______ here--- everybody else, stay where you are.
a. come   b. comes   c. to come   d. 阅读全文
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