
Unit 4 Astronomy: the science of stars教案

unit 4 astronomy: the science of stars教案

teaching aims:
1. talk about the science of stars
2. practise giving instructions

teaching difficulties:

1. learn to use noun clauses as the subject
2. learn to write an essay to show your problems and the way to overcome them.
3. vocabulary: astronomy, atmosphere, violent, explode, surface, disappointed, gradually, cheer, mass, harmful, presence, in time, prevent …from… depend on, now that, get the hang of, break out
teaching procedures:

the first period intensive reading
step ⅰ presentation
t: hello, everyone! today we will come to unit 4, astronomy. before that i have a question: where do we come from? or we can say: who are our ancestors?
s1: monkeys!
s2: beijing ren who lived many years ago.
s3: dinosaurs

t: very g

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