
Unit 13 Healthy eating 教案2

unit 13 healthy eating 教案2
teaching aims:
1.review the words learned in the last two periods.
2.learn and master modal verbs:had better,should,ought to
teaching important points:
1.how to guess the missing word according to the given sentence.
2.let the students learn how to give advice or opinion about something,especially master how to use“should,ought to,had better and their negative forms”to give advice.
teaching difficult points:
how to correctly use“should,ought to,had better and their negative forms”to give advice.
teaching methods:
1.review method to consolidate the words learned in the last period.
2.explanation method to make the students master how to use“should(not),ought(not)to,had better(not)”correctly.
3.individual,pair work to make every student work in class.
teaching aids:
1.a project

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