
The Three Gorges Dam

滚滚长江,泱泱中华。毛泽东畅游长江时,挥毫留下了浪漫之作《水调歌头?游咏》,为我们描绘了“高峡出平湖,神女应无羌,当惊世界殊”的壮美图画。而今,葛洲坝上游兴建的三峡工程将成为世界上最大的水力发电站,万吨巨轮可驶抵重庆,三峡景色将更加绚丽多姿。     the yangtze river is home to one of the most beautiful natural scenes of china —the three gorges. but for generations, chinese people have long dreamed of taming the yangtze river for power generation and flood control. the river’s endless floods have brought destruction and death for centuries —1 million deaths in the 20th century alone.     nowadays, along the yangtze river, the third longest river in the world, a great construction project, the three gorges dam is in progress. once completed, it will be the largest and most powerful hydro-electric project in the world. towering 610 feet high and stretching 1.3 miles wide, 阅读全文
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