
Module 1 My First Day at Senior High

language points学案导学 learning aim and demand: to master the language points in the reading material learn difficult and important point: to learn language points learning procedures: ⅰdeal with the language points in the reading material: 1. information  n.   facts or details telling sth about a situation, person ,event, etc information about/on sb/sth  关于某人/某事的信息 a piece of information  一则消息; 一份情报 ask for information on/about 打听关于……的消息 a source of information 消息来源 provide/ give/ pass on information  提供/给与/传递信息 an information desk 问询处 2. instruction  n.  (pl) sth that sb tells you to do 指示            (pl) information on how to do or use sth 说明 follow the instructions 按说明做/听从指示 instructions on(how to

高一英语English around the world教案(reading-2)
Unit4 Astronomy:the science of the stars-Vocabulary and Useful Expressions
U2 Heroes Lesson 1 Modern Heroes