
News media(The Fourth Period)

the fourth period
teaching aims:
1. learn and master the following words: citizen, polluter, arm, update
2. review the use of the past participle.
3. train the students' integrating skills, especially the writing skill.
4. learn more about reporters and news reports.
teaching important points:
1. train the students' integrating skills.
2. help the students write a comparison paragraph between two kinds of news media
teaching difficult point:
.how to write a better comparison paragraph.
teaching methods:
1. asking-and-answering activity to check the students' understanding of the two reports.
2. review method to consolidate the use of the past participle as attribute and predicative.
3. individual, pair or group work to finish each task.
teaching aids:
1. a tape recorder
2. a projector
3. the blackboard
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