

unit 15
1. look into 调查 look about = look around = look round 环顾四周 look after = take care of = care for 照顾 look back = call up 回忆 look down upon 看不起… look up to 尊敬… look forward to 盼望…
look out = watch out = take care = be careful 当心 look over 查阅 look through 流览
look up the dictionary = turn to the dictionary 查阅字典
2. every now and then = from time to time = at times = every now and again= now and then = occasionally不时地
3. get / be tired of 对…感到厌倦 be tired with / from 因…感到累 give out = be tired out 精疲力竭
4. cool off = cool down 变凉/ 冷静 keep cool = keep calm 保持镇定!
5. be guaranteed for 对…提出担保
6. gather (in) crops 收割庄稼 gather oneself 使振作 gather up 聚拢 / 概括
7. foreign currency 外币
8. be faced with 面对… in face of… 面对 face to face 面对面 lose one's face 丢面子
see fit = think fit 认为恰当 think fit to do sth

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