
Lesson in a Lab教案

the fifth period
 the general idea of this period
 in this period, we’re going to learn pronunciation, everyday english, function and cultural corner.
 teaching aims
 learn and master the following:
 (1)pronunciation in the general question sentence and interrogative sentence.
 (2)words and expressions of sequence.
 teaching important points
 1. everyday english: where do we go from here?
 keep the noise down.
 you’ve got it!
 go ahead!
 it’s your turn.
 2. a reading passage: cultural corner
 teaching methods
 individual work, pair work
 teaching aids
 1. a tape recorder
 2. a computer
 teaching procedures
step 1 revision
 check the homework exercises.
 1. show the words and phrases that come b 阅读全文
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