
必修5Unit 4 Making the news 语言学习

第三课时 语言学习(一)━━词汇学习

第一步 作业检查

1. remind students of what they learnt in the reading passage.

2. check their homework: “discovering useful words and expressions”.

第二步 查找

ask students to look for useful words and expressions in warming up, pre-reading and reading.

第三步 问答(双人活动)

1.students ask and answer each other in pairs the relative usages and meaning of words and expressions they have found.

2. students may refer to some helpful materials to solve some difficult points.

第四步 讨论(四人小组活动)

1. group of four students discuss some difficult but important words and expressions.

2.one student may take notes of the difficult points they can't solve and hand to the teacher.

第五步 释疑

1. teacher may pick out some general difficult points from the students and have a thorough explanation.

2. teacher may offer other impo

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