
Unit1 Tales of the unexplained-Word power学案

language points:1.outer space and space exploration space 作“太空” 、“空间” 解释时为不可数名词,前面通常不加限定词e.g. from space ,the earth looks like a blue water-covered globe.他离开飞船在太空漫步.____________________________________________________the door opened directly into space.____________________________________________________there isn’t much space left.this box takes up too much space.教室放不下60张桌子._____________________________________________________2.explore vt.  探索,探险,堪探,钻研  to explore the antarctic to explore oil  e.g. he explored all the possible ways to solve the problem.exploration   n.a journey of exploration into antarctic space exploration oil exploration 3.by 1961,people were orbiting the earth.the moon travels in an orbit around the earth. orbit  n.轨道  

高一英语English around the world教案(reading-2)
Unit4 Astronomy:the science of the stars-Vocabulary and Useful Expressions
U2 Heroes Lesson 1 Modern Heroes