
Unit 1 Good friends

unit 1   good  friends 
• 重点词汇解析 •
1. brave adj. 勇敢的 n. bravery 勇敢的 adv. bravely 勇敢地
  stand bravely on the side of justice 英勇地站在正义的立场上
2. loyal adj. 忠诚的, 忠实的 adv. loyally n. loyalty (u)
  be loyal to a cause 忠于事业 a loyal wife 忠贞的妻子
3. handsome (主要指男人) 英俊的, 潇洒的
  he looked terrible tall, handsome and healthy.他看上去个子很高, 很英俊健康。
  good-looking 长相好的 ordinary-looking 相貌普通的
4. argue 辩论 argue with somebody about something 和某人关于某事辩论
  they argued about / over who should pay the bill.他们在争论该谁付款。
  argue that … 辩论说 he argued that she shouldn’t go.他辩论说她不应该去。
  ague against …1)据理反对 he argued against the use of this medicine.
  2)证明…是不能成立的 all the facts argued against the theory. 所有的事实都证明这理论是不能成立的。
  argue …into doing / out of doing通过争论使(某人)(不)做某事
  she argued him out of his decision.

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