
Going places

the third & fourth period  reading
teaching goals
1. target language
words and expressions: adventure, experience(v.), simply, rafting, vacation, basic, spider, equipment, paddle, poisonous, get away from, instead of, get close to, watch out for, protect…from…, be careful (not) to do sth
communication: 1. do you like travel? why/ why not? 2. where would you most like to travel? 3. have you ever tried any adventure travel?
2. abilities: train the students’ reading ability.
teaching key points: enable the students to understand the text better.
teaching methods: discussing or cooperative learning.
teaching aids : a multi-media room
teaching procedures:

stepⅰ. lead-in
stepⅱ. warming-up (多媒体展示multi-media slides show)
stepⅲ. pre-reading   team work /group work.
stepⅳ reading
1. discussion b

高一英语English around the world教案(reading-2)
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