
Module4 Fine Arts—Western Chinese and Pop Arts –Listening and speaking学案导学

learning aims:1.to know some listening skills.2.to talk about likes and dislikes freely.3.to make some daily expressions.learning contents: listening and speakinglearning difficult and important points:1.some listening skills2.to make some daily expressions.learning methods: make a thorough enquiry between ss-ss; ss- teacher; ss-alone.(三探一练四步学习法。)learning procedures:step 1.【课前预习】--【个人探究】 do the reading exercises in the workbook and give ss some instruction.step 2.listening and vocabulary【个人探究】1.pre-listening  (1)introduce the new words by showing some pictures.    .1andscape         portrait    exhibition        water colour  (2)finish activity 1 on p36.参考答案  

高一英语English around the world教案(reading-2)
Unit4 Astronomy:the science of the stars-Vocabulary and Useful Expressions
U2 Heroes Lesson 1 Modern Heroes