
A Christmas Carol教案

a christmas carol教案
the fifth period
the adverbial
teaching aims:
1.review different types of adverbial so that the students have a clear understanding.
2.get the students to do a number of exercises to help them master the grammar item.
teaching important point:
how to help the students to master the adverbial and use it freely.
teaching difficult point:
the transformation between adverbs and preposition phrases.
teaching methods:
1.discussion method to make the students have a clear idea about what they’ve learnt about the adverbial.
2.pair work and individual work to make every student take an active part in the teaching-and-learning activities.
teaching aids:
1.the multimedia
2.the blackboard
teaching procedures:
step ⅰ greetings and revision
greet the whole class as usual.
t:today,we’ 阅读全文
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