
The Internet and Telecommunications教案

the sixth period
 the general idea of this period
 in this period we’re going to improve the students’ speaking and reading abilities by answering questions and reading a passage. we will review percentages and numbers, words and expressions for shopping.
 teaching aim
 to improve the students’ abilities of speaking, reading and writing.
 teaching important point
 how to improve the students’ ability of speaking english.
 teaching difficult point
 how to finish the task of writing.
 teaching methods
 asking and answering method, reading method and revision method. 
 teaching aids
 1. a projector
 2. the blackboard
 3. some colored chalk
 teaching procedures
 step 1 greetings 
 greet the whole class as usu

高一英语English around the world教案(reading-2)
Unit4 Astronomy:the science of the stars-Vocabulary and Useful Expressions
U2 Heroes Lesson 1 Modern Heroes