
Lesson Three Living abroad

lesson three living abroad
language points
1. arrival  n.到达,到来
on arrival at / in some place一到达某地
on his arrival at classroom,the teacher came and the bell rang.他刚刚到教室,老师便进来了,铃声也响了。
on/ upon arrival in beijing, i'll telephone you.一到北京,我就给你打电话。
however, on his arrival in paris he was recognized as a noble and thrown into poison.然而,他一到巴黎就被认出是个贵族而被投入监狱。
注意:arrival为动作名词,不可用作动词。例如:不能说he arrived this morning.
he left here after our arrival.我们到达之后他离去了。
please fill in the arrival card.请填写这张来客登记表。
we were greatly surprised at her arrival.对她的到来,我们感到吃惊。
2. familiar  adj.熟悉的   family  n.家庭成员→familiar
sth be familiar to sb某物为某人所熟知;  sb be familiar with sth某人对某物熟悉
familiar scenes熟悉的景色
you look really familiar.你看起来很眼熟。
he hoped for a sight of the old, familiar faces.他希望一见那些熟悉的老

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