
Unit 2 The Olympic Games教案

unit 2 the olympic games
vocabulary and useful expressions
adj.   1. not disposed to cheat or defraud; not deceptive or fraudulent: honest lawyers 2. marked by truth: give honest answers  3. without pretensions: worked at an honest trade 4. without dissimulation; frank: my honest opinion 5. habitually speaking the truth: an honest man  6. worthy of being depended on: an honest working staff  7. free from guile: his answer was simple and honest
adj.   1. very old: an ancient mariner 2. in or of times long ag ancient rome and greece 3. having existed since a very early time: ancient history/customs
v.   to try to win sth. in competition with someone else: john competed for a place at their school, but didn’t get it.  com

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