
Module 1 My First Day at Senior High——grammar学案导学

learning aim and demand:to master grammar 1(the present simple tense & the present continuous tense) and grammar 2(adjectives ending in -ing & -ed)learning difficult and important point:to learn grammar 1 and grammar 2learning procedures:step 1 grammar 1ⅰ structure

structurethe present simple tense

do/dose/be(am, is ,are)the present continuous tense

be(am, is, are) + doingⅱ usage 

the present simple tense


exampleindicating a permanent state of affairsi live in shijiazhuang, a city not far from beijing.indicating a habit, or something you do regularly.(e.g.usually,often,always,every day,sometimes,onceamonth,never,on mondays)li kang plays basketball every day.indicating something which is always true. (e.g. scientific facts )the sun rises in the east.indicating action planned i

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