
ModuLe 2 My New Teachers 学案 外研版必修1 我的新老师

module 2 my new teachers 学案 外研版必修1 我的新老师
1.she said she wanted to leave,and her father _____________ (尊重)her wishes.
2.the group produces a monthly____________(总结)of their research.
3.i’d ____________(感激)it if you let me get on with my job.
4.the starter____________(挥动)a green flag to indicate that the race would begin.
5.you may not like her,but you have to  ____________(承认)that she’s good at her job.
6.road safety is taught to young children to  ____________(避开)road accidents.
7.when it comes to job interviews,first____________(印象)are important.
8.paul always gets____________ (紧张)whenever he has to give a presentation.
9.he’s a good doctor .he always has  ____________with his ____________.he treats them____________. (patient)
10.to our  ____________,he told us an  ___ 阅读全文
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