
Unit21 Body Language

unit21 body language
the first period
teaching aims
1 describe gestures and facial expressions
2 train the students’listening ability
3 practise making offers and requests
teaching important points
1 train the students’listening ability
2 learn how to ask for help and offer help
teaching difficult points
1 learn to describe gestures and falial expressions
2 finish the task of speaking
teaching methods
1 listening,speaking and writing
2 individual,pair or group work
3 watch and say
teaching aids
1 a computer for macromedia use
2 a tape recorder
3 the blackboard
teaching procedures
step1 lead-in
we can communicate with each other in many ways such as speaking,writing,surfing
 the intenet and body language.today we’ll study one of forms of communication——body language
what is body language?
body language

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