
Unit 11 key to success

unit 11 key to success


word study1:criterion 2:comrade 3:summay 4:percentage 5:questionnaire 6:colleague 7:suspect8:temporary9:coach 10:uncertain 11:expectation 12:division 13:rugby 14:compromise 15:exsite 16:regulation 17:bureaucratic 18:dynamic19:shortcoming20:embarrass 21:contradictory 22:resign 23:actual 24:definite 25:congratulate 26:smooth 27:finance 28:combination 29:bride 30:shame 31:hand-on1.标准 2.尺度 3.总结 4.百分比 5.调查表  6.同事 7.怀疑  8.暂时的 9.教练10.不确切的、无把握的 11.期待 12.分割 13.(英)橄榄球 14.妥协 15.使兴奋16.规章17官僚的 18动态的 19.缺点20.使尴尬 21.互相矛盾22.辞职 23.真实的 24.确切的 25.祝贺 26.顺利的 27.财政(学28结合、 29.新娘30.羞耻 31.亲自实践的

useful expressions1.stick with 2.through thick and think 3.pull out of 4.cater to 5.in reality 6.keep an eye on7.take sth into account 8.as a whole 9.once again 10.live unto1.保持联系 2.不

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